Two Times (Remix)

Two Times (Remix)

Iggy Azalea

Iggy’s “Pussy 2x” dropped in early 2011 and was a remix of Gucci Mane’s “Gucci Two Times”.

It later originated a “part two” just titled “Pu$$y” which went viral and helped to propel a young Iggy to prominence.

She talked about the concept behind the remix in interviews after her debut music video for “Pu$$y” was released.

“The song ‘Pu$$y’ comes from the Gucci Mane ‘Two Times’ remix that I did on my YouTube page and that was kind of just a joke we would say in the studio … and I was like ‘Someone should put that as a line on their song’, and no one would ever do it,” leading her to create her own version titled “Pussy Two Times.” “It’s so funny to me because that song wasn’t even about vaginas, it just happened to get on my crotch, but it’s actually saying “you’re all pussies” … I just did it [the video] because people obviously like vaginas, so I’ll do it there but it’s so weird to me to see the part two actually be about ‘pussy’.”

Iggy explained that she initially did it as part of an experiment:

“You know what? It’s funny, I actually had put out like a few different little videos, just rapping and stuff like that, and I would always do stop-motion animation and I kinda had this theory that I feel like people complain about the status of rap music, and what the content is, and the subject matter.. and I always feel like what you listen to, and what is popular, tells me otherwise that you want something different that you might not admit to. So, I made two videos: one was a Kanye West remix to “Hell of a Life” where I was completely clothed… and I had some great lyrics… and then I had another video called "Pussy Two Times” and it had some different cats and things going on. Which do you think got more views? So my experiment, the conclusion confirmed what I suspected and thought ‘you know what, I really like this song but it’s just a remix thing to Gucci Mane’s track.’ I wanted to make like a part two, I wanted to do it again, bigger and better, have a real video and so that’s why I decided to do that, it was kind of just an ongoing experiment I suppose.”