28 Thousand Days

28 Thousand Days

Alicia Keys

“28 Thousand Days” is a single by Alicia Keys. This number is equal to 76 years, which is also the average human life expectancy. The song’s lyrics talk about living life to the fullest, never wasting time, and not missing one good moment.

According to The Boombox, Keys explained the meaning behind the song in a video she posted on Twitter.

Yo, I read this ill article that said the average life is 76 years which equals 28,000 days. That made me think that I gotta live every moment to the fullest. What you gonna do to make the most out of today? We gonna do a song about that.

She also tweeted:

This is just the beginning believe me! We have so much to talk about! Live everyday like its your last!! #28000days

Keys has expressed her desire for living life to the fullest and treating every moment like it’s the last, in several of her other songs too, such as “Like You’ll Never See Me Again”, “Tell You Something(Nana’s Reprise)”, “How It Feels To Fly', and “New Day'.