


“Epiphany” is the first track off of BTS’s Love Yourself 結 ‘Answer’, and was released two weeks prior to the rest of the album. The track has a pop-rock melody and features sentimental vocals sung by BTS member Jin.

An epiphany is defined as a “moment of sudden or powerful realization”. The title is significant as it represents the defining, formative theme of the album- and the entirety of the Love Yourself series. Jin’s epiphany is that he is capable of unconditional self-love, a conclusion each album in the series has powerfully, slowly built up to.

The music video depicts Jin alone and brooding. However, small details, like the shift from monochrome into color, represent an underlying sense of hope. Although wholeheartedly loving yourself can be lonely and difficult, such a feat is not impossible. It’s one of the greatest progressions a person can undertake.