“P・A・R・A・D・O・X” is the leading track of the Japanese boy band 嵐 (ARASHI)’s 12th studio album, “LOVE.” It’s dance music with a fierce intro that begins with a shout by Satoshi Ohno, who is the lead vocalist and has beautiful, extended high notes.

The sensuality of being attracted to one’s partner and becoming absorbed in making love is expressed straightforwardly in the English or Rap parts lyrics, and metaphorically in the Japanese parts lyrics. This song expresses love where reason and instinct intersect with the stimulating atmosphere of its lyrics and choreography.
At that time of releasing this song, Arashi members were in their early thirties and refreshingly impressive. It is the very “paradox” that such Arashi sang this song.

The song was choreographed by JaQuel Knight, who has also choreographed for Beyonce and Britney Spears, in NYC. The members of Arashi were all in their early 30s then, but JaQuel, who was 23, thought they were about 18 years old. He answered some of the questions from Arashi fans on his official Twitter in 2013. According to him, he was a bit shocked that Arashi picked up choreography fast. The music video is included only in the first limited version.

“P・A・R・A・D・O・X"は日本のアイドル 嵐 (ARASHI)の12枚目のアルバムのリード曲である。リードボーカリストで美しく伸びのある高音の持ち主 大野智(Satoshi Ohno)のシャウトが強い印象を放つイントロで始まるダンスナンバー。パートナーに惹かれ愛の営みに溺れていく官能的な様子を、英語歌詞とラップではストレートに、日本語歌詞では隠喩的に表現した構成となっている。この曲は、理性と本能が交錯する愛を刺激的な歌詞と振り付けで表現しているが、発売当時、嵐は全員30代前半でさわやかな印象が強かった。そんな嵐がこの歌を歌唱した事自体がパラドックスそのものと言えよう。
