Don’t Touch That Dial (Script)

Don’t Touch That Dial (Script)


An unofficial script for episode 2 of season 1 of WandaVision, “Don’t Touch That Dial.”

The description on Disney+ reads,

In an effort to fit in, Wanda and Vision perform a magic act in their community talent show."

This episode takes its inspiration from Bewitched (1964-1972) and lays the references on thick, even down to the coloring – Bewitched began airing in black and white and was in color by the time it ended, mirrored here when the same change occurs in Westview at the end of the episode.

The episode also begins peeling away at the (mostly) pristine small-town setting presented in the first episode, with a few of what seem like intrusions by the real world, culminating in a startling finale that hints Wanda may be the one in control in Westview.