The Series Finale (Script)

The Series Finale (Script)


An unofficial script for episode 9 of season 1 of WandaVision, “The Series Finale.”

The description on Disney+ reads,

The events of WandaVision come to a head, and the destinies of all who took part are determined."

Series director Matt Shakman said in an interview that,

We have no plans for WandaVision Season 2 at all — that could change, of course. It all depends on what’s the story. We were very focused on telling this story over nine episodes and hopefully coming to a conclusion that feels satisfying and also surprising."

Thus, the episode effectively had to either tie up every loose end or else set them up to be continued in a future MCU property – and it did just that, picking up directly where the penultimate episode left off and delivering a flurry of climaxes over the course of the next forty minutes, answering most questions and leaving just enough unanswered for fans to look forward to in Doctor Strange 2 and beyond.