Exhale Inhale

Exhale Inhale


Exhale Inhale starts with AURORA humming, and then transitions into a bouncy minimal synth production. It serves as one of the more calm songs on the album, compared to the song it’s placed right after, The Innocent, which is a very upbeat track. It’s a sort of calm-after-the-storm on the album.

The lyrics of the song are reminiscent of climate change, and talk about trees falling, ice melting; painting a picture in front of the eyes. The chorus bears a reference to Wisdom Cries, a track on the deluxe version of AURORA’s debut album, All My Demons Greeting Me as a Friend.

As for the greek god it was inspired by, there are actually two; Oizys, the goddess of misery, anxiety, grief, and depression, and Thanatos, the god and personification of death.