BABA” stands tall as the third official single from Manal’s highly anticipated sophomore album, “Arabian Heartbreak.” In this empowering anthem, Manal collaborates with the Italian-Tunisian artist Ghali to deliver a poignant message of strength, independence, and resilience.

The track unfolds as a heartfelt conversation between a daughter and her father. The lyrics reveal a powerful narrative where the girl reassures her father that she’s doing well on her own. This poignant message is particularly touching, suggesting a possible tribute to a departed father who always wished for her safety. In “BABA,” Manal embraces her autonomy, declaring her intention to live life on her own terms.

The song resonates with a theme of empowerment, echoing the sentiments of other tracks from the album. Manal’s lyrics convey a sense of newfound strength and independence, a declaration that she will forge her own path regardless of societal expectations. It’s a celebration of personal growth and a bold assertion of individuality.

Musically, “BABA” doesn’t just stop at powerful lyrics; it also introduces an infused Arabian sound, intertwining traditional elements with catchy melodies. The collaboration with Ghali adds an additional layer of cultural fusion, creating a unique sonic experience that reflects the diversity of Manal’s musical influences.

As with the rest of “Arabian Heartbreak”, “BABA” showcases Manal’s ability to blend meaningful storytelling with captivating melodies. It’s a testament to her artistry, pushing boundaries, and offering listeners a musical journey that is both emotionally charged and sonically delightful. As Manal continues to unfold the chapters of her musical evolution, “BABA” stands as a standout moment in her exploration of self-expression and empowerment.