“Clusterhug” is the seventh track on I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME’s debut album, Razzmatazz.

Originally written by iDKHOW’s singer Dallon Weekes during the sessions for Panic! at the Disco’s fourth album Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die, “Clusterhug” didn’t make the cut for the album due to it not fitting into the collective vision for the project. Instead, Weekes released it on Bandcamp under his previous band, The Brobecks, on a deluxe version of the album Violent Things and on the Quiet Title EP. Since the announcement of Clusterhug being on Razzmatazz, Quiet Title EP has been taken off of The Brobecks’s bandcamp.

Leading up to the recording of the album, Weekes often cited “Clusterhug” as a standout amongst his Brobecks work and a song he wanted to see properly recorded and released. Although older songs are a staple in the band’s live set, this is now only the second Brobecks song to be redone in the studio by iDKHOW after the release of “Christmas Drag” in November of 2019.