America’s Most Blunted

America’s Most Blunted

Madvillain (Ft. Quasimoto)

A humorous ode to cannabis, “America’s Most Blunted” features verses by MF DOOM and Madlib’s rapping alter-ego Quasimoto, with the title being a pun on “America’s Most Wanted”.

Madlib stated in a Pitchfork article that both he and DOOM were smoking weed during the process of making the album. The track showcases how the creative minds of MF DOOM and Madlib came together to form the incredible flows and beats heard all over Madvillainy. In the article, Madlib later said:

Everything was spontaneous… We worked with whatever we had at hand. If you think about it too much, it won’t work. But shit usually works out when you’re with the like-minded. DOOM’s like my super-smart cousin. We trade books and records: Sun Ra equations, biographies of Charlie Parker. Some people are born off that same energy.

The spontaneity of their energy only builds to the impressiveness of the track, as Madlib used a whopping seventeen samples to craft the instrumental.